Sunday, November 1, 2015

Fourth Drawing Blog: How to Draw a Lion Part 1

Hi everybody! This week I'll be working on part 1 of a lion drawing. I hope you enjoy it.

Step 1: Draw a two and a half inch square, and cut it in half twice so there are four smaller squares. Then around that you are going to draw a five inch box. Make sure that the bottom of the five inch box is part of the bottom of the smaller box. Draw a small line in between the boxes. Now you are going to draw a small heart that has no tip. Make sure the two lines of the heart end at the crossing of the smaller boxes. Then you are going to draw two circles both on opposite sides of the two squares. After that you are going to draw a circle around that circle and draw two small squares protruding from it: one from the bottom, and one from the left and right. You are then going to draw a flat "v" from the two bottom boxes. In the middle of that "v" you are going to draw a thick "t". You are then going to draw two big curves from one side of the lions face to the other. Right under it you are going to draw a small oval. Make sure that the bottom of the  oval seems fury, so draw protruding lines out of it.

Step 2: Draw a lot of small dots on the lion's face right above the two curves. Now you are going to draw two upside down "c"s with fur in front of it. Now draw a big oval of fur around all of this to make the lion's face. Darken the area around the eyes. Then draw a dot for the pupil and shade the eye in lightly. Then around the eye, draw some fur, brushing multiple line outwards away from the eye. Do this to the other eye. Darken the nose now and put some light dots on it. Shade very lightly around the nose to the mouth.

Step 3: Now you are going to shade in the mouth, so it would be very dark. Draw a few lines coming from the mouth going to the fury oval, so it would seem connected. Shade in the lion's face so that the sides of his face is darker then the middle. Lightly shade in the middle and darken the areas around his eyes. Make a dark line from the top of the heart that we drew in the beginning, that ends at the bottom of the eyes.

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