Sunday, December 6, 2015

Just Talking

Hey guys! Its Minas and today I just want to talk about things I like, and how I got into drawings.

How I got into drawings: I got into drawing in the age of 8, and now I am currently 13. Which means I have been drawing for 5 years. I got into drawing when I went to my cousins house one day, and saw my cousin drawing. Now my cousin is going towards a career of being an artist and that really inspired me to draw. I thought I would be able to draw like him when I started, but I didn't and I drew terribly. At that time I didn't think I would get better, but then my cousin started giving tips, and I started to draw more often. Now back in present times I am drawing whenever I have free time to get better. that is how I got into drawing, and how I became to draw like how I do today.

Things that I like: Over the 13 years of my life I have grown an interest in many things I am here with you know to talk about them. As you all know my number one favorite thing to do is draw. It is a perfect way to show emotions, and use your free time. I love all kinds of art realistic, fiction, anime. These topics all have an interesting drawing perspective to them, that's why I like them. Going outside the art topic the other things I like, are video games and books. Even though i don't read books that often I love to sit down on some days and just read a good book. I also don't play video games that often usually I'll just play a game with my friends for a little then get off. Even after all of those things there is one thing that makes me even happier then drawing, my family. My family make my life happy, always encouraging me to do thing I didn't think I can. They always give me there support and love, and that's why they make me happy. They are the best, and I love them very much.

I hope you enjoyed my little blog about my life, and drawings will be back next week.


  1. I shed a tear. Since you are my brother bear, I am your family. You said you love your family. You love me. Transitive property.
