Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Games I Like

Hello everyone today I wanted to talk about a game I have been recently playing to you guys.

https://guildwars2.staticwars.com/wp-content/themes/guildwars2.com-live/img/gw2-logo.1600230148.jpg I recently got into is Guild Wars 2, and I am happy I did. This game was developed by Arenanet, and I think its awesome. Guild Wars 2 is a massive game, I have been playing this game for 2 weeks now and I only have 7% of the game done. In this game you can choose from five different races Char, Human, Asura, Sylvari, and Norn. After you have chosen from these various races you have to choose your class. The classes you can choose from are Mesmer, Guardian, Necromancer, Ranger, Elementalist, and Warrior. To break things down so it will be easier for everyone to under stand I will be talking about my own class and race. I am a Human Necromancer, and I think the necromancer class is amazing. You can summon your own minions to help you fight, and you can suck the life force out of enemy's and transfer it to you. There are just so many things you can do in guild wars you can do events, you can do your quests or you can do your personal story quest. The best part is every so often an event boss spawns in the server. Usually when an event boss spawns its a group event that means a lot of other player in that server are going to join and help fight to kill the boss. When the boss dies everyone gets loot. This is why I think Guild Wars 2 is an awesome game

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